Torn Paper Collage

Painted papers in the muted tones of nature.

Collage, for me is finding the harmony of shapes and colors. Sifting through and choosing the pieces intentionally that speak well with one another and tell a story within the confines of that one composition.

Starting with piles of painted mulberry paper and antique book pages I puzzle together what I imagine as conversations. It’s something I can’t really do with painting on raw canvas, I can’t undo a mark or move a section of color so collage opens a door to experimentation and spontaneity that I don’t usually find in my regular practice.

Brighter Days Series - painted torn mulberry and antique paper on 9 x 12” maple panels in a natural wood strip frame.

The texture of the wood becomes a part of the composition, the grain and color complimenting the texture and tone of the papers.

Paper collage waiting to be glued in place.

Painting the papers is very zen for me, choosing shades that might work together. Tearing out shapes that “work” for that particular color.

Torn paper collage on 11 x 14” BFK Rives paper.

“Bread Or Cake” acrylic and watercolor and monotype on torn mulberry and vintage papers on 11 x 15” BFK Rives paper.

I ended my collage vacation with a few canvas and polyester pieces which I’m looking forward to translating to larger works. I sewed these little pieces by hand and initially I wanted to take out the sewing machine and get some perfect seams but in the end I feel that the irregular stitches add to the work. They help to tell the story.

Acrylic, vinyl, pastel and watercolor on raw linen and polyester on and 11” x 14” stretcher in a natural wood strip frame.



